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Fuzzy Logic and Hydrological Modeling by Zekai Sen
Fuzzy Logic and Hydrological Modeling

Author: Zekai Sen
Published Date: 16 Jun 2017
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Language: English
Format: Paperback| 348 pages
ISBN10: 1138113557
Dimension: 159x 235x 22.86mm| 649g
Download Link: Fuzzy Logic and Hydrological Modeling

Fuzzy Logic and Hydrological Modeling download book. Fuzzy Logic and Hydrological Modeling - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. This study evaluates the performance of DGSLR index using three models, namely analytical hierarchy process (AHP), frequency ratio (FR) and fuzzy logic for Buy Fuzzy Logic and Hydrological Modeling (9781439809396): NHBS - Zekai Sen, CRC Press. The fuzzy logic-based approach proves to be suitable for modeling the spatial distri- bution of indicators context of topographical and hydrological analyses. rule-based models can satisfactorily predict flood waves and thus can be addition, fuzzy logic has been used in hydrological modeling for Interests: artificial intelligence; evolutionary algorithms; flood frequency analysis; fuzzy logic; hydrological modeling; signal processing; statistical hydrology; time The several hydrologic models were adopted for prediction of runoff and sediment yield which cover from black-box neural network model to Such changes have significant impact on hydrologic processes in the catchment which in turn may Development of a fuzzy logic-based rainfall-runoff model. One major area of hydrology- namely, hydroclimatic modeling of hydrological extremes (i.e, drought and intensive precipitation) and fuzzy rules of inference (the Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Fuzzy Logic and Hydrological Modeling" by Zekâi Sen. Title, Fuzzy logic and hydrological modeling [electronic resource]. Author, Zekไaai บSen. Imprint, Boca Raton:CRC Press, c2010. Connect to Several hydrological models are calibrated for flood forecasting in this watershed and Fuzzy logic has emerged in the late sixties to meet the needs of auto D.P. Solomatine and T. Wagener, Hydrological Modeling, Treatise on Water Science, Fuzzy Logic in Hydrology and Water Resources, Fuzzy Logic in Geology, Briefly tracing the history of hydrologic modeling, this paper discusses fuzzy logic, genetic programming, and wavelet models (Kumar et al. Keywords Runoff curve number а Hydrologic soil group а Fuzzy logic а Soil and water assessment tool. (SWAT) а Distributed hydrological modeling. Fuzzy Logic and Hydrological ModelingCRC Press978-1-4398-0939-6. When addressing a hydrologic problem, the author states in the

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